

The Texas A&布林-布伦纳姆工程学院硕士 offers students the opportunity to apply directly to the Engineering Academy and, upon acceptance, 布林大学和德州农学院联合招收学生&M. 这些学院的学生将参与一个生活和学习社区, 他们将在哪里学习第一年的数学, science, 和布伦汉姆校区的工程课程,同时作为一个社区生活在米尔克里克大厅.

Students who successfully complete the Academy by the first Summer term following their second year with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.根据德州大学A的计算,这两所大学都有5名学生&M将自动被德州A录取&在接下来的秋季学期,可以申请德克萨斯州a的学位授予专业&工程学院.

第一次和现在的大学生都有资格进入德州体育协会&布林-布伦纳姆工程学院硕士. Current college students are only eligible to apply for admission into the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham.

在布伦汉姆校园威尼斯人娱乐城中, students will live together in 米尔溪大厅或草原大厅 on campus and will take all their Engineering Academy classes (math, science, 和工程)一起作为一个队列. 工程课程将由德州a教授&工程学院 faculty member; therefore, 布伦汉姆校区的学院学生将不必通勤到德州体育协会&大学城校园.

布林-布莱恩学院的学生在布林的沃尔特C学院学习布林课程. 施瓦茨大厦 RELLIS Campus 位于布赖恩. 工程学院的学生一起上所有的工程学院课程, but the Blinn-Bryan program does not offer a campus living option for these participants – these students live off campus and commute between the RELLIS Campus and Texas A&M大学的课程.

录取程序是这两个威尼斯人娱乐城之间的另一个关键区别. Admission to the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham offers students an opportunity to apply directly to the Blinn-Brenham Campus via the ApplyTexas应用程序. First-time and continuing college students who are pre-calculus or calculus ready (having completed MATH 1316, 的数学部分至少得25分 ACT或SAT数学成绩达到600分)才有资格申请.

参加德州运动协会&在布林-布莱恩的M工程学院,学生必须申请德州A&M通过新生 ApplyTexas应用程序. 进入学院是由 invitation only 这个提议将由德州运动家队提出&M 招生办公室.

Students from both programs who successfully complete their Engineering Academy experience and meet qualifications will automatically be admitted into Texas A&硕士,可申请工程学院学位授予专业.

Yes, 进入学院将需要参与生活社区, 要求所有学院参与者住在 米尔溪大厅或草原大厅.

An option to apply for early transition into an engineering degree-granting major is available for Academy students who have completed a minimum of two math, two science, 还有两门工程专业必修的课程, 至少挣了2分.在威尼斯人博彩的累积平均绩点(CGPA)为5分,至少为2分.0累积平均绩点(CGPA)在德州A&M,由德州A计算&M. This option, “ETAM,在第一个春季学期结束时提供, 第二秋季学期, 第二春季学期.

一个学院的学生谁放弃或退出他/她的德州A&布伦汉姆校区提供的M工程课程 and falls below one credit hour will be withdrawn from Texas A&那学期的M,取消所有德州A&在这学期剩下的时间里,我将享有学生特权. 除非另有禁止,否则该生可在下一学期继续在学院学习.

Successful program completion requires that students meet the following requirements by the end of the first Summer session following the second year of enrollment in the Engineering Academy:

  • 完成威尼斯人博彩-布伦汉姆学院至少48个可转换学时,至少2个学时.5 CGPA由Texas A计算&M.
  • 完成德州A至少9小时的工程课程&最小值为2的M.5 CGPA

成功完成后, 学生可以申请将课程更改为德克萨斯a大学授予学位的专业&M. Advisors for the Engineering Academy will help engineering students identify majors in or outside the College of Engineering that are suitable for their academic goals and CGPA competitiveness.

Yes, 进入工程学院学位授予专业的主要途径是进入专业的过程. Engineering students in the Engineering Academy program may apply to a degree-granting major upon meeting two eligibility requirements:

  1. 必须在工程学院有良好的学术地位,这意味着至少2.在威尼斯人博彩的累积平均绩点(CGPA)为5分,至少为2分.0累积平均绩点(CGPA)在德州A&M,由德州A计算&M, and
  2. 至少完成两门数学、两门自然科学和两门工程课程. 详细信息可在 工程学院进入专业 website.

进入工程学院授予学位的专业, an engineering student in the Engineering Academy may choose to remain co-enrolled at Blinn College-Brenham until the completion of the two-year program. Engineering students remaining at Blinn after being granted entry to a major will be advised by the advisor in the degree-granting major as well as the Engineering Academy advisor.

No. However, 至少完成两门数学课程的学生, two science, 两门工程课程,并获得 3.累积绩点75 or higher at each institution for the first ETAM cycle are guaranteed entry to the first choice engineering major at the end of their first year. 详细信息可在 工程学院进入专业 website.

进入工程学院授予学位的专业, an engineering student in the Engineering Academy may choose to remain co-enrolled at Blinn College-Brenham for an additional semester or until the completion of the two-year program. Engineering students remaining at Blinn after being granted entry to a major will be advised by the advisor in the degree-granting major as well as the Engineering Academy advisor.

Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham students will pay fewer fees than Academy students on the RELLIS Campus because they will not be charged fees associated with the use of on-campus facilities at Texas A&M.

学费/杂费分别由威尼斯人博彩和德克萨斯大学评估&根据所修学分的多少,支付给各学院. 学院学生15个学分(5个学分在德州A&M和10学时在Blinn)将节省大约3美元,相比之下,一个学生在德州农学院修满了15个学分&M.

关于德克萨斯大学学费/费用的其他信息&M大学可以在使用中找到 学生业务服务 学费估计量. 有关威尼斯人博彩学费/费用的信息可在 College Catalog.

Students accepted to the Engineering Academy will be required to pay the respective tuition and fees separately at both institutions, 根据在各院校注册的学期学分按比例适当分配, 在规定的期限内完成.

学生将被视为缺课&M大学,因此不收取康乐体育费, 健康中心费用, 以及学生中心综合费.

Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham students will be required to participate in an on-campus living and learning community at Mill Creek Hall. 住房截止日期和费用如下:

  1. 住房申请费为125美元,6月1日截止.
  2. 校内住宿至少需要9个Blinn大学学分和3个Texas a&M小时或至少10个Blinn大学学分和2个Texas a&M hours.
  3. Students removed from the Engineering Academy for academic reasons or removed by request in the Fall semester will be required to increase their Blinn credit hours to a full-time status (12 credit hours) to remain in Mill Creek Hall for the Spring semester.
  4. Non-Academy students remaining in Mill Creek Hall at the end of the Spring semester may be asked to vacate the living and learning community for capacity reasons.

学生们可以通过美国的 Blinn财政援助办公室.  任何外部奖学金都应该送到布林财政援助办公室.

德州明天基金是通过 学生业务服务 德州大学办公室&M University. To activate the 德州保证学费基金 德州A账户&M University, email, fax, mail, 或将以下信息交到德州大学学生商务服务办公室&M: 1) TGTP账号. 2)购买的计划类型. 3)学生的德州A&M . un(大学识别号码). 4)激活学期的书面请求. 学生计划信息通常在两个工作日内处理到学生账户. 希望使用Texas Tomorrow支付Blinn的学生需要联系 Business Office.

Students who do not successfully complete Academy requirements or gain transfer admission by the end of the first Summer term following their second year will not be able to continue their enrollment at Texas A&M but may be eligible for admission as a returning student after the next Fall semester (subject to current readmission criteria).

留校察看的学生必须遵守各自的规定 Blinn学校缓刑政策 and Texas A&留校察看政策.

In addition, 我们鼓励学生回顾关于这个威尼斯人娱乐城的及时完成政策. Please 在这里查看详细信息.

An engineering student removed from the Engineering Academy for academic or disciplinary reasons will not be allowed to continue enrollment nor be guaranteed admission to Texas A&M. 继续在布林的招生将由布林官员决定.


The Texas A&M工程学院要求所有学生, 包括工程学院的学生, 购买经批准的设备. 有关资料,请浏览:

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  • Texas A&布林-布伦纳姆工程学院硕士
  • Phone: 979-830-4777