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Tips and Resources

As tax season approaches, online scams increase in activity. 学术技术希望将这些来自互联网安全中心的建议传递给所有Blinn员工和学生.


网络钓鱼: 这种策略包括使用电子邮件或恶意网站来感染你的设备或欺骗你泄露你的信息. 网络钓鱼邮件可能看起来来自真正的金融机构, 电子商务网站, charitable organizations, or even 政府ernment agencies such as the 国税局.

What to do if you receive a phishing email in your Blinn email: 突出显示收件箱中的电子邮件,然后在Outlook菜单(ribbon bar)的右上方和下拉菜单中单击“Report Message”, choose Phishing Choose “Report.“这将把信息直接发送给微软进行分析.

电话: 这种策略包括打电话或留下紧急或威胁性的语音邮件. In the case of tax scams, 电话可能会建议你退款,或者要求你解决欠税的未付款项. 可能会使用来电显示欺骗,使其看起来像是来自国税局的人.

使用这些策略的骗子通常试图制造一种紧迫感,或者有一个很好的故事,迫使你透露个人信息,比如你的出生日期, social 安全 number, driver’s license number, or even usernames and passwords to your accounts. Watch out for these common scams:

Refund Calculation Scam: “The 国税局 recalculated your refund. 祝贺你, 我们发现你原来的纳税申报单计算有误,欠你额外的钱. 请确认您的账户信息,以便我们进行存款.”

Stimulus Payment Scam: “我们的记录显示,你们没有申请COVID-19刺激付款. 请向我们提供您的信息,以便我们发送给您.”

Verification Scam: “We need to verify your W-2 and other personal information. 请把你的驾照、证件和表格拍下来发给我们.”

礼品卡诈骗: “You owe us back taxes and may be charged with a federal crime. You must pay a penalty to avoid being prosecuted. 购买这些礼品卡并寄给我们,我们会把你的记录一笔勾销.”

Fake Charity Scam: Scammers pose as a legitimate charity, often with a similar name as a real charity, 骗你把钱捐给他们自己的事业,填满他们的口袋.

Fake Tax Preparers: 注意那些拒绝在报税表上签字的报税员. If they gain access to your information, 他们可能会提交欺诈性的纳税申报表,重定向你的退款或试图进入你的银行账户.


Hopefully you have avoided the common tax scams, 但是网络罪犯可能有其他方法获取你的信息, such as data breaches of companies you do business with. 注意这些警告信号,你可能已经是受害者了:

  • You attempt to file a tax return, either online or by mail, 但是被国税局或你所在的州告知他们已经收到了.
  • 国税局通知你,一个账户已经以你的名字在国税局注册了.政府 even though you have never created one.
  • You receive a transcript from the 国税局 that you did not request.

Identity Theft Resources

如果您认为您已成为身份盗窃的受害者,请访问 to report it and create a recovery plan.

有关与税务有关的身份盗窃的具体信息和威尼斯人娱乐城,请访问 Identity Theft Central web page on the 国税局 web site.

E-mail and Internet Security Best Practices

  • 永远不要使用公共Wi-Fi来报税或进行其他业务,如网上银行. Only connect to networks that you trust.
  • 记住, 国税局.政府 is the only genuine website for the Internal Revenue Service. 您与国税局之间的所有互联网和电子邮件通信都将通过本网站进行.
  • Never send sensitive information via email. 如果你收到一封来历不明或可疑的邮件,不要回复.
  • Report tax-related phishing emails to Phishing@国税局.政府. 访问 Tax Scams - How to Report Them on the 国税局 web site for additional information.

国税局 Representatives – Know How They Operate

国税局的第一个联络点通常是通过邮政邮件. The 国税局 will not contact you via email, 短信, or your social network, nor does it advertise on websites.

美国国税局代表总是携带两种形式的官方证件, 你可以通过拨打国税局的专用电话号码来确认他们的身份.

The 国税局 does not accept payments by gift cards.

审查 怎么知道这真的是国税局的电话或敲你的门 on the 国税局 web site for additional information.

Donating to Charities

Only donate to charitable organizations that you trust. Beware of charities that require you to give or send cash.

Verify charitable organizations using the Tax-Exempt Organization Search web page on the 国税局 web site.

Using Tax Preparers


只使用一个可以向你提供他们的报税员身份证明的报税员. You can verify your tax preparer through the 具有资格证书和选择资格的联邦纳税申报编制人员威尼斯人博彩 on the 国税局 web site.

访问 话题不. 254 How to Choose a Tax Return Preparer for best practices on selecting your tax preparer.

Secure Your Identity

Get An Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) 以防止其他人以你的名义提交纳税申报表.


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